Yard Waste • Document Disposal • Outdoor Fireplace
Incineration is a good option in cases where garbage or disposal options do not exist. We have conducted research with many US Forestry Departments to support the promotion of burning that is both safer for people and minimizes the environmental impact, especially when compared to homemade incinerators.

Yard Waste Incineration
Yard waste, including leaves, grass, sticks, and larger branches, as well as other types of untreated wood can all be safely incinerated in one of our patented mini-incinerators.

Thermal Shred
Better than shredding, our mini-incinerators THERMALLY INCINERATE. Destroy confidential documents and classified files quickly and efficiently. Both models are ideal for shredding paper and personal records ensuring your protection from identity theft.
Businesses, financial institutions, and even the military can quickly and permanently destroy thousands of sensitive documents and personal records. Benefits include:
- Eliminate 3rd party shredding and off-site paper shredding.
- Economical alternative to traditional shredding companies. Pay once rather than by the pound or hour.

Outdoor Fireplace
Our mini-incinerators make for ideal outdoor fireplaces. Safely emitting heat, your family, friends, and neighbors will appreciate gathering in your backyard on chilly nights!
*We recommend removing the angle grates prior to using a mini-incinerator as an outdoor fireplace.